Thursday, December 18, 2008

Its Early & its Friggen Cold

So I flew home to Boise, Idaho on Tuesday for the holidays. Holy shit is it cold here! Ok, I'm from here and I know how cold it can get here during the winter, but I was not prepared for THIS biting cold weather. When I left San Diego it was a nice and warm 53 with a little rain and when I landed it was an easy 18 degrees. Lemme tell ya, that takes your breath away. And not like a beautiful woman does.

I'm two days into my visit and surprisingly enough, I'm not too bored. Notice I said "too". It's really great to see family and my best friends. My goal is to do something almost every night. I know that's asking a lot but come on, we can do it. I realized something while coming home to visit. I LOVE being the "visitor". So in keeping the tradition of some past blogs, lets make a list of why I love being the "visitor".

  • Free home cooked meals
  • Don't have to pay for gas
  • Everybody that I know in town wants to see me
  • Getting asked, "How long you in town for?"
  • Doing my favorite crossword from the paper
  • Not having ANY responsibilities
  • No work (see above)
  • I can guilt trip people into doing something because, well, "I'm only here for so long!" :-)
  • I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want
  • Saturday morning coffee and breakfast with friends
  • Checking out what's "new" in town
  • And the last thing I love about being the "visitor"....I get to do all of this all over again!

As I finish this post, it's still cold and only going to get worse. Snow tonight and a high of an excellent 12 degrees on Saturday. Yes, you heard me correctly, a HIGH of twelve. Whats a San Diego boy gonna do!?! Hopefully I'll write before the year but if I don't, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa to all and to all a goodnight now!!


Far said...

dude you would so never survive in canada!! You are only allowed to come visit me in the summers lol..

Snow storm comin friday here... 10-25cm then another on sunday with another 20cm... LOVELY!!

Good thing im heading to the caribbean in 10 days yay!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't have your email address but I'm the one that was supposed to have sent you treats (for the Sweet Treat Exchange) by today. I didn't forget! I blame it on a busy December. I promise I'll be sending stuff to you very soon. I apologize but trust me when I say the bars I'll be sending will be worth the wait. :-)

Happy New Year!